Home Engaging Content Creation Blogging 10 Unique Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using Twitter

10 Unique Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using Twitter

For someone like me who loves to be wordy, Twitter is a bit of a challenge. While many people may see the 160 character limit as a restraint, it can actually empower you to drive some serious traffic to your blog. You see, having that limit forces you to really make every word count, and that opens up doors for concentrated marketing tactics that drive people to your blog.

Today we’ll look at 10 ways Twitter can be used to make your posts sound irresistible to both dedicated followers and new readers alike.

10 Twitter-Based Strategies for Driving Traffic to Your Blog

A blog lives and dies in the ways you promote your content and bring in traffic. Even if your posts are solid gold, no one is going to see them unless you’re promoting them. There are ways to do this via email, Facebook, Google+, and even Pinterest, but today we’re going to talk about one of the big dogs: Twitter.

Put on your thinking caps and dust off your hashtags, because it’s time to start tweeting like a chatty bird! Here are 10 ways that Twitter can help you drive traffic to your blog!

1. Make Your Tweets Short and Intriguing

A tweet, in and of itself, is very short to begin with. That being said, if you can cut it down to under 100 characters, statistics show that these shorter tweets get 21% more interactions. In many cases, people will simply tweet the header of their post, but if you really want to get the curiosity flowing, try something a little more enticing.

Let’s say your post is about being productive. You could try a tweet that reads: “Never waste another second…” and then put a link to the post. People read something short and sweet like that, and they wonder what that means, so they click. The key here is creating a call to action.

2. Include a Quote

Sometimes the best way to get readers to read your content, is to give them a little taste. Studies show that tweets with quotes, get 54% more retweets. Find a good line from your post and feature that as a tweet with a link to the full article. Say you’re doing a post on how to work from home. Put a quote from your post in there such as “We would all rather work from home than spend years in a cubicle. Find out how…” and throw a link to the full post.

3. Use Statistics

People like hard, proven numbers. Seeing these reinforces ideas in their heads and shows that you’ve done your research. Say you’re doing a post about how Twitter is great for driving traffic to your blog (see what I did there?) and you want to showcase how many people actually use Twitter. Try something like this: “32% of all internet users are using Twitter…” and then put a link to your post.

4. Utilize Hashtags

Twitter utilizes hashtags (or this symbol: #, followed by several words) to categorize tweets. You can utilize these to make your tweets visible to a variety of users. When you tweet about something like blogging tips, you can include the hashtag #BloggingTips.

Another example is using general hashtags to broaden your reach. Depending on what your tweet is about you could use #InternetMarketing, #Blogging, #TwitterTips, or anything else that crosses your mind.

5. Use @mentions

The concept of a “mention” is simple: It allows you to send tweets directly to fellow users or followers. The benefit here is that these tweets are commonly retweeted to the user’s followers. Say you read a post by Matt Banner and you loved it. You wrote something similar and you want to share it with him.

All you have to do is use the “@” symbol and his user name to mention him in the tweet: “Hey, @BlastYourBlog, check out this post inspired by one of your own!” When Matt retweets that to his followers, they will come check out your blog.

6. Include Eye-Catching Images

If someone is scrolling through their feed, they may pass right over a tweet by you, but if you catch their gaze with an enticing photo, you’ll have their attention (and most likely a visit from them too!). You can find some cool images online to use, but an even better method is to make your own.

Try reading a tutorial on Canva, a free tool for making your own Twitter images, and then you’ll have access to an unlimited amount of options for adding that visual spice to your tweets.

7. Pose a Relevant Question

Questions are a sure-fire way to generate engagement from your followers. Most posts solve a problem or answer a question, so why not get people interested by posing that exact question to them? If you wrote a post about avoiding common mistakes in marketing or blogging, you could pose a question like this: “Which #blogging mistakes do you wish you could have avoided?”

People will answer the question in their head, but then they’ll start thinking about other potential mistakes, and that will compel them to click.

8. Promote Your Tweets

If you have some funds for advertising set aside, why not give promoted tweets a try? This allows you to choose which interests, locations, and people to target. Once you’ve started the program, your tweets will appear in the timelines of all the people in those categories, in addition to your followers.

This can be used to promote posts, giveaways, contests, or anything in between.

9. Ask Your Followers to Retweet

When someone retweets something you posted, suddenly your content is on display to their followers as well. The more something gets retweeted, the more the potential audience grows. You don’t need to make a huge deal of it, but if you ask, your followers will most likely help you out.

Next time you tweet a post, try adding a “Please RT” in the tweet so your readers know that you want them to spread the word.

10. Put a Link in Your Bio

This one is very simple but very effective. On your main Twitter page, visitors will see your bio. It’s usually a sentence or two about yourself. A great way to drive traffic to your blog is to include a link to it in your bio. This link will never go away unless you change your bio, so it’s an easy and permanent way to bring more people to your site.

Final Thoughts

Twitter is a fantastic way to hone your skills as a writer by giving you a limited space to work with. It’s also a great place to interact with readers and bring traffic back to your blog. How do you utilize Twitter? What ways does it benefit your blog? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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  • fillmeout says:

    Nice post keep it up

  • Thank you for sharing this post. This post helpful and useful for many people and in this post give good explanation in detail that helpful and useful for many people and explanation step by step in deeply that helpful and useful for easily understand this.

  • Alesia Nik says:

    Thanks For Sharing the Nice Blog. This Post is very helpful and useful for many people because this blog explains how to drive traffic through twitter.

  • adam smith says:

    Dear admin thanks for sharing Such Information. Your Article is a Very Useful and your post for driving a traffic for blog through using twitter is amazing.

  • Driving visitors from search engines to my blog is a hard work. It can be easy if we drive traffic from Facebook or Twitter. Above ten ways we can easily bring readers from twitter.

    • I agree, Razu. It can really be a challenge, eh? Thanks for your feedback and input on this article. I’m sure that helps others and that is why we are here, eh (or at least one of the reasons.. lol). Thanks, again.

    • fillmeout Feb 18, 2017 @ 8:48

      Nice post keep it up

    • Bhavik Solanki Mar 14, 2017 @ 3:09

      Thank you for sharing this post. This post helpful and useful for many people and in this post give good explanation in detail that helpful and useful for many people and explanation step by step in deeply that helpful and useful for easily understand this.

    • Alesia Nik Apr 13, 2017 @ 0:18

      Thanks For Sharing the Nice Blog. This Post is very helpful and useful for many people because this blog explains how to drive traffic through twitter.

      • Deborah Anderson Jun 8, 2017 @ 0:09

        Thank you, Alesia. I am glad you found it helpful. Thanks for letting us know.

    • adam smith Apr 29, 2017 @ 8:11

      Dear admin thanks for sharing Such Information. Your Article is a Very Useful and your post for driving a traffic for blog through using twitter is amazing.

      • Deborah Anderson Jun 8, 2017 @ 0:08

        On behalf of our wonderful guest author, Matt, I thank you 🙂

    • Razu Shariful May 22, 2017 @ 21:13

      Driving visitors from search engines to my blog is a hard work. It can be easy if we drive traffic from Facebook or Twitter. Above ten ways we can easily bring readers from twitter.

      • Deborah Anderson Jun 8, 2017 @ 0:05

        I agree, Razu. It can really be a challenge, eh? Thanks for your feedback and input on this article. I’m sure that helps others and that is why we are here, eh (or at least one of the reasons.. lol). Thanks, again.
